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Fast Facts


Juneau is located on Gastineau Channel in the Inside Passage about 900 air miles north of Seattle (a two-hour flight) and 600 air miles south of Anchorage (a 90-minute flight).

Latitude: 58 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds North
Longitude: 134 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West


Juneau is 3,255 square miles total, including 928 square miles of ice cap and 704 square miles of water. Juneau is the largest capital city in the United States by land area.


32,061 according to the most recent population estimate from the United States Census Bureau.


The majority of the population sits at sea level. Peaks in Juneau rise up to 3,576 feet (Mt. Juneau) and 3,819 feet (Mt. Roberts). While Gastineau Channel is relatively shallow (around 120 feet), the waterways just outside of Juneau are over 1,000 feet deep.


Juneau has a Subarctic-Maritime climate, one that is milder than its latitude may suggest, due to the influence of the Pacific Ocean. Winters are moist and long, but only slightly cold by Alaskan standards.

January                High 35° F/Low 26° F
May                     High 57° F/Low 42° F
July                      High 63° F/Low 51° F
October                High 48° F/Low 39° F


Precipitation falls on an average 230 days per year, averaging 62.27 inches (1,580 mm) at the airport, but ranging from 55 to 92 inches (1,400 to 2,340 mm), depending on location. The spring months are the driest while September and October are the wettest. The annual average rain and melted snowfall is 56.5 inches (4.7 feet). Juneau averages 222 rainy days per year. Snowfall average is 93.2 inches. The snowfall record is 212.1 inches the winter of 1994.

Average Daylight Hours

January - 7.15
February - 9.40
March - 11.77
April - 14.40
May - 16.78
June - 18.25
July - 17.60
August - 15.43
September - 12.85
October - 10.32
November - 7.87
December - 6.42


Juneau consists of around 190 miles of city and state maintained roads, not including Douglas Island roads.

Downtown Juneau to Auke Bay Ferry Terminal - 14 miles
Downtown Juneau to Juneau Intl’ Airport - 9 miles
Downtown Juneau to Echo Cove (North end of Egan Drive) - 43 miles
Douglas Bridge to Savikko Park (South end of Douglas Hwy) - 3 miles